Cosmos Tips and Tricks
How to set up a Ledger with Keplr Wallet
This tutorial describes how to set up and use the Keplr web app with your Ledger device to access your Ledger Cosmos (ATOM) account(s).
Written by Smartnodes Admin.
| Sheephog THC | (Will Never DM First)
So you’ve just got yourself a ledger and wondering how best to use it within the ecosystem. Fear not, you can still use Keplr, and here’s how.
Firstly you will need to navigate to

Download the app using the download button (please select correct operating system)
Once downloaded, run the installer and follow the installation instructions.
Once installed, run Ledger-Live, you should be greeted with a screen like this.

Click ‘Get started’, and select your device on the following screen.

On the next screen you can choose to setup a new device and it will guide you into creating your recovery key (seed phrase) and PIN code.
Once completed , you will need to connect your device(if not already done) and unlock it.
Ledger-Live will then perform a check on your device to ensure it is a genuine Ledger.

Once completed you should be greeted with a screen like this one.

Here you can click ‘Go to My Ledger to install apps’ or click ‘My Ledger’ on the left side.
You may be prompted to update your device, please do so. Ensure it is still unlocked and follow the prompt.
After this you need the Cosmos app, use the search box and type either ‘atom’ or ‘cosmos’

Click install on the right.

Once you’ve installed you can click ‘Manage my accounts’ on the banner popup
On the pop-up you can search for ‘cosmos’ or ‘atom’ and follow the instructions on-screen, and on your device to confirm the address.
Congratulations. This is your Ledger, and Ledger Live now setup. Just for Keplr now.
Please Note: whilst Keplr works in Firefox it is best in a chromium based browser (especially for ledger users) i.e Brave, Chrome, Decentr, Edge, or Chromium.
Please Navigate to in your browser.

On the next page, if you’re using one of the previously listed browsers, select Chrome
(Firefox users, proceed at your own risk)

Once, installed click the Keplr icon (blue square with a white K) at the top right (you can pin it in the extensions menu — the jigsaw piece)
This should open the following screen.

On this screen you can click Import Ledger. DO NOT TYPE YOUR SEED
On the next screen, you will be prompted to choose a name for the wallet (this is entirely your choice and is only represented on this installation, nowhere else)

Again this password is only for accessing this Keplr installation, if you forget it, you cannot reset, but must reinstall Keplr. ( You can still access your same wallet as that is saved with the seed)
On the pop-up you will be asked to connect your ledger. You may need to select it on a list.

Unlock your ledger and run the cosmos app, then click next.
That is it, you’re all set up!
You can follow one of our other guides if you would like to learn how to stake using Keplr and Cosmostation app
Stay tuned for an update on how to use your your ledger with Keplr and Evmos.
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Smartnodes Validator is a Proof of Stake service which offers 100% Slash and Double Sign Refund Protection.
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- The Infrastructure used by Smartnodes is only the Best of the Best with 10 Layers of security in place to protect your assets.
- We are currently offering Proof of Stake services ( POS ) on 33 cryptocurrency chains and growing, check out our website for our Validator nodes.
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